If you are in California and a customer of a privately owned utility company, then like me, when you opened your April 2014 electric bill, your first thought may have been, “Why is my bill so low? Is this a mistake?” Then, your next thought may have been, “Should I question my electric company, or just not say anything and hope I get away with it?”
Well, fear not, because it was not, in fact, a mistake! If you look into the details of the charges, you should find a credit in some amount labeled as the California Climate Credit.
At this point, you may still be confused, wondering why your utility company is discounting your bill for California’s climate. The California Climate Credit is part of the many programs resulting from the passing of AB32 in 2006. This credit is to be applied to your bill in April & October if you are a residential customer of a public utility (e.g. SDG&E, Southern California Edison, PG&E, etc.) and monthly for small businesses customers of public utilities.
Sure, it may be nice to have a discount on your bill, and you might be tempted to use that money for another bill, a dinner out, or a new pair of shoes. The intention, however, is to use the credit in some way that will help you reduce your energy use, thereby reducing California’s energy use as a whole.
There are several simple ways you can use this credit to help reduce your energy use and future costs. The following is a list of energy saving products compiled by Energy Upgrade California that can be purchased with the money you are saving from your Climate Credit. Is your water heater wrapped? How about your power strips? Are you using the old style, or the newer “smart” power strips? Click the image below to view the list and then help spread the word to your friends and family by sharing this post!
California Climate Credit Fact Sheet
Find out how to further improve your home’s energy efficiency with a energy audit by a certified home energy rater.
Know the Loading Order of Home Energy Efficiency Improvements
Climate Credit Chart and Product List images found in this post sourced from EnergyUpgradeCA.com.
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